Van Dijl


I’m committed to helping you grow through my blogs, free resources and coaching.

WHat can i do for you?


Ever considered how fast you’d grow with a personal performance coach?

Imagine a partnership designed to skyrocket your personal and professional growth. With me as your personal performance coach, we’ll harness your potential, overcome obstacles, and turn your aspirations into achievements faster than you thought possible.


Picture this: Together, we’ll first carve out your crystal-clear, achievable goals. No vague ideas, but Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound targets that will guide our journey.


Next, we’ll craft a tailor-made action plan, your roadmap to success.

It’ll be complete with milestones and strategies to overcome any hurdles we might encounter along the way.


Finally, imagine us regularly reviewing your progress, celebrating your victories, and adjusting your path if necessary.

You’re not alone in this journey; I’ll be there every step of the way, ensuring you’re on track and constantly moving forward.


My story: From Balancing Books to Balancing Life

Once upon a time, I was just like you. I had ambitions, dreams, and a relentless drive to achieve them. But life isn’t always a straight path, and I soon found myself juggling the complexities of a diverse career, from auditing at KPMG to founding a blockchain project, while striving to maintain my personal life with my beloved wife, Lotte, and our baby boy, Spencer.

I was navigating the chaotic waters of life and work, fueled by the knowledge I’d gained from my studies in accounting, economics, and marketing at the prestigious Erasmus University in Rotterdam. But as my professional achievements stacked up, I realized something crucial – it’s easy to lose sight of your health and happiness when you’re chasing success.

Physical and mental challenges began to surface, and it became clear that my health was getting in the way of my ambitions. It was a wakeup call that led me on a journey of self-development, investing time and money into rediscovering balance and fostering resilience. I found help in the form of mentors and a coach that worked with me on a weekly basis.

Today, I stand proud not only of the wealth I’ve managed to accumulate and the professional heights I’ve reached, but of the harmonious balance I’ve achieved between work, health, and personal life. It’s a balance that has made me a better entrepreneur, a better husband, a better father.

Now, I’m on a mission to support others navigating their own paths. I want to share the lessons I’ve learned, the wisdom I’ve gathered, and be the accountability partner I wish I had during those challenging times. I’ve conquered my challenges and so can you. Let’s embark on this journey together, and let me guide you to a future where you too can stand tall, proud of your balance, resilience, and success.

Are you ready to take control of your life but need someone in your corner to guide you? I’m here, ready to help you and keep you accountable.

Let’s get started

For more personal and professional details,
check out this about me page 😉

My clients

“Before I met Patrick, I had difficulty sticking to my plans and executing on them. But it started to change after meeting with him each week. With Patrick’s help, I’ve been focused more than ever before and I’m getting sh*t done.”

“Patrick’s coaching is filled with humor, empathy, and powerful insights. If you want to smile while smashing your goals, he’s your guy!”

“If you want a coach with a unique career path and an inspiring personal journey, go for Patrick. I’ve never been more motivated!”

Ever wondered how far you could go with a personal coach guiding your journey?

Well, you’ve already made it to the end of this homepage, imagine where we could go together!

Contact Me